mill-bieb ‘il ġewwa
Author: Loranne Vella
Photographs: Zvezdan Reljic
Language: Maltese
Price: €15
Paperback: 144 pages
Dimensions: 148 x 210 mm
Available at Kixott’s Bookshop, Mosta
mill-bieb ’il ġewwa hija espressjoni li tirreferi għall-fatt li dak li jiġri d-dar ta’ spiss jibqa’ ġewwa u mistur. Huwa wkoll it-titlu ta’ ġabra ta’ stejjer qosra miktubin minn Loranne Vella, fejn il-bieb ta’ barra jitbexxaq ftit u l-qarrej huwa mistieden jagħti titwila lejn il-ħajjiet sigrieta tal-persunaġġi.
Title of the collection of short stories (in Maltese) by Loranne Vella ‘mill-bieb ’il ġewwa’ is Maltese expression which literally means ‘from the front door inwards’ and could be translated to ‘whatever happens at home, behind closed doors’. Her stories slightly open the front door and invite outsiders to take a glimpse at several characters’ secret realities.