Fragmenta Malta 2013-2018: Life & Art in Public Space

Author: Bettina Hutschek

Price: €22

Paperback: 254  pages, wrap around: A3 folded map, artwork on both sides
Dimensions: 125 mm x 15 mm x 175mm

Available at Kixott’s Bookshop, Mosta

Fragmenta Malta 2013-2018: Life & Art in Public Space takes readers through an intimately kaleidoscopic journey across German-born artist Bettina Hutschek’s, series of pop-up exhibitions that dotted the Maltese cultural calendar over its initial seven-year run. Elbowing its way into a scene characterised by the grandiose ambitions of Malta’s Capital of Culture year in 2018, Hutschek’s is quirkily catalogued in this eminently portable volume – a testament of the pint-sized power of the Fragmenta experience.

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